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Year 6

What does learning in year 6 look like?

The final year of primary school is hugely significant in preparing for the transition to Secondary school. In year 6, a large focus is on building independence through careful scaffolding. Children in Year Six typically learn through a combination of different methods, including:

Classroom Instruction: Children in Year Six will receive direct instruction from their teacher in a variety of subjects. The teacher will use a range of teaching methods, including whole class modelling, group discussions, and hands-on activities to engage the students and help them understand the material.

Independent Learning: Year Six students are expected to take on more responsibility for their own learning. They will be given independent activities and will be expected to complete them on their own. This helps them to develop self-discipline, time management skills, and a sense of independence.

Technology: Technology is often used in the classroom to support learning. Students may use laptops to complete activities, research topics, and access educational resources.

Collaborative Learning: Year Six students may work in groups to complete tasks, solve problems, or engage in discussions. Collaborative learning helps students to develop communication skills, teamwork, and a sense of community within the classroom.

There are many highlights to Year 6. At the start of the year, children apply for monitor roles that support teachers and children around the school. They are given regular opportunities to carry these monitor roles out, providing them with a sense of responsibility and pride in their role within school. In addition, Year 6 are welcomed to participate in the Residential trip at the end of the year. A residential is a fun way for enabling team building, developing independence, confidence building as well as exposure to new and challenging experiences. This trip involves a range of activities whilst staying away from home, making life-long memories with their primary school friends and is the highlight of the year for many children.

Furthermore in the summer term, Year 6 children work hard to rehearse and perform a tailored play to parents and family. This provides opportunities for children to showcase their talents along with time to reflect on their primary school journey. This is followed up with a Leaver’s service where parents are invited in to share a final farewell from Moordown St John’s. Our aim is for children to build positive memories that they can take with them on their journey to Secondary school.

Why we enjoy learning in year 6?

Daniel  'Towards the end of the year, Year 6 children get a fun day. We come into school in our own clothes and have a water fight. It will be such a fun way to end the year.'

Hannah  'In Year 6, we have jobs and responsibilities that help around the school. They are fun and you get a badge that explains to everyone what our job is. I like the subjects as we learn about lots of interesting new things. The teachers are all really kind and supportive. At the end of the year, we go on a Residential and we perform a play' 

Sharon  'In Year 6 we get to enjoy lots of activities whilst also being responsible role models for the school. At the end of the year, we go on a Residential full of fun activities and time with our friends.'

Sophie  'We are responsible for looking after the school. To do this, we apply for a monitor role and help children and adults across the school.' 

Curriculum Evening

year 6 curriculum evening.pdf


Termly Curriculum Statement

Autumn Curriculum Statement

Half Termly Home Learning

Autumn 1 Home Learning

Reading List

Reading List